
Tibet riots!

一位普通华裔学生自己制作的几分钟视频《西藏过去现在将来永远是中国的一部分》火爆网络,每天浏览量几十万,评论上万条,可谓是“分秒必争”,在西方主流媒体引起了巨大反响,所产生的能量,远远超过中国所有对外宣传的影响。 华籍学生的QQ"240851734,大家可以尝试联系,然后把视频放到国内网站上。 以下是YOUTUBE观看此视频的评论,必须说明国外网站也是假民主,也存在删帖子,但仍能感到此视频的影响力,因为在删很多正义帖子的同时仍有近10万留言。目前仍是西藏专栏的头条视频帖子! 以下是部分评论,很客观,随机提取的一些:
comment: The riot is completely over. Over 170 rioters turned themselves in. Local tibetan chinese are cleaning up the nasty mess those rioters made. CIA might be telling dalai: "Come on, you ppl sucked! Why did your fellows almost killed a 6-yr-old tibetan chinese kid? Why did you guys rob the bank and get filmed by media? Why did you guys just keep attacking civillants, including tibetan chinese? Look, I paid you a lot to slander chinese gov! Can you do a decent work for me the next time?"
comment: 华人兄弟姐妹们!如果你的血是热的沸腾的,起来吧!用你力量你的行动向世界证明:中国已经不是一百多年前的中国了!发动一切可以 发动的力量,团结一切可以团结的人!兄弟姐妹们,呼吁你身边的朋友和华人,加入到这里来,支持声援中国永远是一个完整家园的战斗 ! 中国属于你也属于我,更属于我们的后代!如果我们的后代将来看到不是日益强大受世界尊重的中国,而是四分五裂的中国,我们将无颜 面对他们!中国需要你的努力!祖先需要你努力!团结起来,一致对外! 华人兄弟们,中国是个完整的概念.它的形成不是一早一日的.它是千千万万海内外华人的家园.信仰的归属.它不同于一个可以更替的 政权.你可以起来推翻一个政权,但你不可分裂一个国家,一个属于你祖先的家园.如果你现在还在为所谓的独立人权呐喊(希望不是你 ),你的祖先会为你羞愧,因为你血管里还留着他们的血他们的基因.清醒吧兄弟. 鼓舞人心!我们华人在这里的战斗影响着世界!中国是属于全世界的华人的.正是通过我们海外华人的不懈努力,相信世界将更了解中国 ,理解中国,并尊重中国!
comment: I think the disadvantages go beyond being "ethnic minority". I've been to Jiuzhaigou in Sichuan Province and we got to meet alot of Han Chinese. That area is so cold, remote, and high in altitude. Not a whole lot grows up there. We're talking 10,000+ feet above sea level. That right there is a huge disadvantage.
comment: Ironicly, No one in China can see this guy's enlightened video due to the their completely non aggressive, and heroically oppressive censorship.NZKOF, if you like brutal atoritarian dictotorships so much, why don't you give up your Canadian citizenship and move back to China. Or, is giving up all the rights and freedoms, that you take for granted, a little too scary for you. Think of all the free time you would have in prison, between beatings, during your life incarceration for posting a video
comment: according to ur post:Tibet has been a part of China, but it was through conquest, not by the request of Tibet why dont u shout out ur compliant to Australia? West Australia wants to be independent. and Why dont u care about Quebec? they want to set up their won country as well. plz mind other businesses other than our Tibet, it is China' s sovereignty!!
comment: So Why u fucken gooks still hate Chinese ,huh? why u fucken gooks still hate japs ,huh? why u fucken gooks protest against ur today's master Americans,huh? just because they raped ur young bitch mother today on street not in the rooms ,huh?? u fucken retarded 80 millions hybridized shit in this world, they are all ur true father , u cant change it at all , whithout them, where are u fucking hybrid gooks today ,huh? u stupid motherfuckers!

I think chinese govrment will solute these national issue.I sustain chinese goverment.


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